Total Nuclear Annihilation (Spooky, 2017)
added to
The Kickback
in Middleton
Mar 07, 2025
Total Nuclear Annihilation (Spooky, 2017)
removed from
The Kickback
in Middleton
Mar 07, 2025
"OP has this set up hard. Outlines are wide open, no outline post rubbers, and All my loving csnt be played on third ball like normal setups" Beatles (Gold) (Stern, 2018)
"It is not by the other pinball machines, which are in the far back corner. This one is by itself right by the front entrance." WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994)
WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994)
removed from
3rd St. Market Hall
in Milwaukee
Mar 02, 2025
"If IC is offline, reboot the machine and you should be able to login. You'll have better luck if the place isn't packed." The Mandalorian (Pro) (Stern, 2021)
"Insider Connected was offline; had to power off and then on to get it to go back online and get logged in. Had success with logging into IC when the place was nearly empty." Stranger Things (Pro) (Stern, 2019)
"Frequently offline. Likely won't be able to connect to Insider Connected if there is a huge crowd there (likely bandwidth issues supporting other wireless connections). Had success logging in to Insider Connected on a quiet day (Sunday around 11am), but had to reboot the machine before it would connect online. Tried rebooting it the night prior when the place was packed, but never really could get logged in with Insider Connected, even though it did come online. If struggling to login, reboot the machine, wait five minutes, and hope it works." Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Premium) (Stern, 2020)
"Only one of the three flippers works as expected. Upper flipper is nearly always stuck in the extended position, barely works when it does return to the resting position (after a strong downward ball hit, which is rare). Lower left flipper is essentially broken; can only push the ball about a quarter of the way up the playfield, really all it is good for is to pass the ball to the lower right flipper. Not really an enjoyable playing experience at this point without repairs." Rush (Premium) (Stern, 2022)