Pinball Map FAQ

This page contains helpful app and website support information. If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, contact us.

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Updating the Map

How do I add a machine to a location?

First, log in. On the website, lookup the location, then click the "Add a machine" button. Choose a machine. Click Add.

On the app, lookup the location, then click the + (plus) icon. Then select a machine and add it.

How do I remove a machine from a location?

First, log in. On the website, lookup a location then click the red trash can icon that's to the right of the machine name. On the app, click on the machine name, and then look for the "remove" button or trash can icon.

How do I add a new location?

Fill out this form. Our administrators moderate submissions, so please allow 0 - 7 days or so for it to be approved. The more accurate and thorough your submission, the quicker it will get added!

This location closed/no longer has machines. What do I do - do I need to tell you?

Simply remove all the machines from it. Empty locations are periodically removed.

This location is temporarily closed. Should I remove the machines from it?

No. If a place is seasonal or closed due to restrictions, and is expected to re-open, please do not remove the machines from it. Just edit the location description to say it's temporarily closed. You can also make sure the phone number is listed so that people can easily call and check on the status.

Location name has changed. Can I change it?

Only administrators can edit location names. Contact us, and make sure to tell us the name of the location.

This location has moved. Should I add a location description that no administrator will ever see? Or should I remove the machines from it and re-submit?

Neither. Administrators can change the address. Please let us know if a location has moved, and make sure to tell us the name of the location that has moved. It's preferable for us to simply change the address because that retains the location history.

Data Usage

Can I use Pinball Map data on my own site?

You can use our public API to fetch data and use it for your app. When using Pinball Map data, according to our data license you must include attribution and a link back to this site. If you need bulk data for a project, please get in touch. We have collaborated with many folks on their projects, from student projects to services by major pinball companies. Please do not just scrape large amounts of this site for your own arcade/pinball mapping site, with no attribution. Thousands of people have been contributing their time and effort to this site since 2008.

Data Management

Can you include bat games, or other non-pinball but pinball-adjacent games?

We fully understand that pitch and bat games resemble pinball machines and the collectors that collect them also usually collect pinball machines. The short answer is, no, no bat games. In general we use as a guide for what machines to include. The overall goal of this site is to map pinball, and though we understand that you may passionately think bat games should also be included because etc etc, please note that in our polling of the general public basically no one else wants bat games on the map. At any rate, thank you for that question and your feedback, and if you want more details about this decision, please read this blog post. Please do not send us a message about this without reading that blog post.

Do not add machines to locations as proxies for other games (or coin machines) that are not listed in the machine database. We want good clean data and we only want to map pinball! For example, do not add the 1952 Williams pinball machine, Slugfest, to the map as a proxy for the 1991 Williams pitch and bat game, SlugFest.

We do include some pre-pinball flipperless games. Are we missing some?

Can I add my private collection to the map?

No. Pinball Map only lists publicly-accessible locations. The definition of 'public' varies - some places have entrance fees, or limited hours. But overall, the location has to be inclusive and accessible. So please don't submit your house or a private club that excludes people from becoming members. We also exclude short-term house rentals.

When I search for a city, the city is listed twice (and maybe the second instance of it is misspelled). Or, I see the same location listed twice. Or, the place is in the wrong spot on the map. Etc.

These are data entry mistakes. Please contact us so we can fix them.

I submitted a new location but it never showed up on the map. What is wrong with you?

There are numerous reasons why a new location was not added to the map. Here are some:

  • Not enough time has passed. Please allow 0-7 days before a location is approved. Submissions go to different people, depending on where the location is in the world. And these people work at different paces. Reminder, we're all volunteers with the goal of having a very clean data set.
  • The location you submitted isn't open yet. Many locations are submitted by the business owners themselves (and people helping out those businesses), and we are honored that they think of us when they are prepping to launch their business. But guess who are also eager folks? Pinball players! So if a location gets added to the map before it's open to the world, people will drive all the way there, discover an un-opened business, and then... you guessed it! They then yell at us about it. It doesn't matter if there's a location description saying "Opens on May 5." People do not read (except you).
  • The location you submitted is a private residence. Or private in some other way. See this FAQ item.


How do I get listed as an operator?

Contact us and we'll add you. In your message, tell us the name of your business and whether you want to be notified via email when users leave comments on your machines. If you have a website, give us that link and your business name will appear as a hyperlink.

Check this blog post about the benefits of being listed in our system, and the tools available!

How do I tag myself as the operator at a location?

If you are in our system as an operator (if you're not, please see the question above), do this:

On the website: log in with your user account, lookup the location, then click the "pencil" icon to the right of the location name. That is for editing some location details. Find the operator field, and choose your operator business from the list. Then save.

On the app: log in with your user account, lookup the location, click the "pencil" icon. Choose your operator business from the list. Then save.

I'm an operator or business owner, and people are leaving comments on my machines that I don't like. Can you make them stop, or disable comments on my machines?

The short answer is can't disable comments at an individual venue or for an individual user. We understand that users and operators sometimes want conflicting things. Most operators find reports of technical issues to be very useful; and some do not. Some operators wish that folks would only leave very specific types of comments (we can't control this, and it's perfectly fine for users to leave comments about, for example, machine price). On the other hand, most regular users find machine comments to be a very valuable feature. It is difficult to perfectly cater to everyone, and we cannot control the comments that people make.

In some circumstances, comments may be removed and/or accounts can be disabled (see the elsewhere in the FAQ). We will always look into your concerns. But please try not to waste our time with your requests.

To users leaving comments:

  • To regular users leaving comments: Most operators prefer you directly tell them about problems. For example, in person or with a note to staff at the venue. Many pinball issues are minor and temporary, and leaving a comment about them on the map puts it "on the record" and it may remain there long after the issue is resolved.

Some suggestions to operators:

  • A comment about a machine issue is not going to hurt your business in the short term. Pinball Map often gets blamed for "making" operators rush across town to fix and issue and write a comment saying the issue is fixed. Pinball Map does not make you do this.
  • According to nearly everyone, it is really valuable to see a history of comments (thing is broken, thing is fixed, etc.). Everyone understands that machines break all the time. Seeing a dialog demonstrates that upkeep is occurring. The "latest comment" noting a problem is not particularly important to users and will not drive them away. Some operators choose to delete machines and re-add them in order to clear out comments rather than simply responding to a comment. This is bad practice - both for your business and for the map - and can result in your account being disabled. It makes it seem like the operator is whitewashing comments rather than fixing issues. Users definitely notice this, and we strongly discourage it.

Can you make it so only the operator can update a location's line-up of machines?

No. It's not ideal to limit the control of a location listing to a small group of people. According to the evidence, that would seriously degrade the quantity of map updates, resulting in an out of date map. The purpose of this map is for all users to have equal power to update the map, and that's what has helped it flourish.

After a machine issue has been resolved, can you remove the machine comment that mentioned the issue?

No. It may seem "bad" for there to be a public record of problems with your machines, but it's actually good! All machines have problems. What we're showing here is a record of you fixing the machines! Users love that, and we think operators should, too!


I see you have a ranking system for contributors. How do I earn a contributor badge and title?

Great question! As a small token of acknowledgement of your contributions to the map, if you make more than 50 contributions, we christen you a "Super Mapper". After 250 contributions, you are a "Legendary Mapper". And after 500 amazing map contributions, you are a "Grand Champ Mapper"!

Can I change my username?

Only administrators can change your username. Contact us and we'll be happy to change it.

I forgot my password???

Go to the login page and click the "Forgot your password" link. Make sure to check your spam for the reset email.

How do I update my password, or email, or delete my account?

These can be done on your Profile page.

I left a machine comment, but I made a typo. Or, I just woke up and I regret a comment I made last night. Can I edit or delete my comment?

Yes. Click the machine and below your comment you'll see "edit" and "delete" buttons.

Note that recent/location activity feeds contain a log of the original machine comments. Those are public and cannot be edited or deleted (and kind of serve as a deterrent to people leaving troublesome comments that they intend to delete later).

Why was my machine comment removed?

The machine comment field is for machine comments. These comments are useful for operators to be informed of machine issues, and for other users to understand the general condition of machines. When comments stray, the site becomes less useful to both operators and users. Pinball Map administrators may remove your comment as a means of maintaining the site's goals and value.

For example, if you wrote a comment about a great flavor of potato chips you just discovered, it would be removed (that's not a machine comment and isn't appropriate for this context). Likewise, if you wrote about an upcoming tournament, or treated the machine comments section like a message board or social media site (responding to other users in an off-topic manner for the sake of dialog), or left general trash-talking of operators - those are likely to be removed (those are not a machine comments, detract from the goals, and aren't appropriate for this context). Make sense?

Additionally, Pinball Map administrators may deem your machine comment (or location description) to be inappropriate because:

  • It is some form of spam. Spam can be defined as writing the same comment on many machines.
  • It contains a personal attack.
  • It is offensive.

Why was my account disabled?

  • If your account has been used to mess with data on the site, then we may disable it. Bad behavior includes, but is not limited to: removing machines that are at a location (or removing+adding to clear out comments); adding machines that are not at a location; leaving lots of inappropriate/abusive comments; or adding Slugfest over and over (see above).
  • You created a sockpuppet account to hype your location and/or disparage the competition. This is unethical and it makes the site worse. Don't do this. Look in the mirror.
  • You signed up with a disposable email account. We sometimes have legitimate reasons for contacting you individually. Disposable emails are most often used by people who abuse the site.