Here's a list of the upcoming pinball events in the Nebraska area.
If you have a pinball event that you'd like included on this page, use the contact form on the
about page
to give us the info.
IFPA Sanctioned Events
Jan 06, 2025- Mar 31, 2025:Omaha Pinball League Season 4 12 week regular season, 13th week is playoffs/finals
Bottom 3 scores get dropped, which allows players to miss up to 3 weeks of play
7/5/3/1 scoring
Limit of 45 players due to number of machines
Registration opens Dec 7th 12:00pm
League fees will be due prior to the first week of play. 100% of ...
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Mar 04, 2025- Apr 08, 2025:The Pinball Room - League Weekly league at The Pinball Room in Sioux Falls, SD. League will run 6 weeks.
The lowest scoring week for each player will be dropped from their total score for the league.
Groupings will be of 3 or 4 depending on number of participants each week.
Five games will be played by each group. Each...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Mar 07, 2025Beercade Jr. March 6 round group matchplay IFPA Sanctioned 6 Round Group Matchplay Pinball Tournament
$10 entry fee plus credits for machines.
100% Payout.
In round one, players are randomly paired into groups of 3 or 4. 4 player groups score 7,5,3,1 and in 3 player groups players score 7,4,1. The highest score wins the tournament.
101 North 14th Street, Lincoln, NE,
Mar 09, 2025Beercade Match Play Tournament March 2025 In round one, players are randomly paired into groups of 3 or 4. 4 player groups score 7,5,3,1 and in 3 player groups players score 7,4,1. The highest scores win the tournament. This format is generally 7 rounds, but may change to accommodate for time constraints. In this format extra balls are A...
6104 Maple Street, Omaha, NE,
Mar 09, 2025Ben's Brewing Open Group Matchplay Tournament PLAYERS OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at Ben's Brewing - we got you covered! Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tourn...
222 West 3rd Street, Yankton, SD,
Mar 09, 2025Pinball Tournament at The Warp Zone Bar & Arcade Warm up & registration starts at 4:00 Tournament starts at 5:00 $5 buy in and the top three split the cash 50/30/20
For this and other events at The Warp Zone, those under 21 will be permitted before 10:00pm if they are participating in the event. If you have additional questions, please emai...
611 5th Street, Sioux City, IA,
Mar 11, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Mar 16, 2025 Big John's 3rd Sunday March 5-Round Matchplay $10 entry, house doubled pot
1pm start time
IFPA scoring 7/5/3/1 - 7/4/1, balanced arenas, balanced groups
Top 8 to play Amazing Race finals
Payout structure subject to change based on player turnout
9819 M Street, Omaha, NE,
Mar 16, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Group Matchplay LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Mar 18, 2025Women's 3rd Tuesday 5-Round Matchplay @ NBC IFPA Sanctioned Women's Event
5 round match play with top 4 moving to finals
$10 entry
Starting at 6pm
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Mar 19, 2025Ben's Brewing Women's 3 Strikes Tournament LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
This event is run by women, for women. We welcome all women, including queer, trans, non-conforming, etc.
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at Ben's Brewing...
222 West 3rd Street, Yankton, SD,
Mar 22, 2025BeerCade JR March Tournament Monthly Saturday tournament.
Entry fee is $5.
No preregistration.
Registration starts at 6PM day of tournament.
Play starts at 7PM.
Format: Flip Frenzy
101 North 14th Street, Lincoln, NE,
Mar 23, 2025Beercade 2 March Strikeout 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 3 strike knockout. Bottom 2 players receive strikes in both 3 and 4 player groups. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Mar 30, 2025Women's 5th Sunday Target Matchplay Women's IFPA sanctioned pinball tournament
1 pm at Beercade 2
$10 entry
Target Matchplay with a 28 point target
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Apr 04, 2025Beercade Jr. April Strikeout IFPA Sanctioned Strikeout Pinball Tournament
$10 entry fee plus credits for machines.
100% Payout. 32 player limit.
Three strike knockout format, four player groups, strikes to bottom two. Strike to bottom one if three player group.
Tournament starts at 7pm.
Current machines:
Pirates of the Car...
101 North 14th Street, Lincoln, NE,
Apr 05, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Apr 06, 2025 Big John's 1st Sunday Apr 7-Round Group Matchplay $10 entry, house doubled pot
1pm start time
IFPA scoring 7/5/3/1 - 7/4/1, balanced arenas, balanced groups
Payout structure subject to change based on player turnout
9819 M Street, Omaha, NE,
Apr 08, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Apr 13, 2025Ben's Brew Station Open 8 Strike Progressive PLAYERS OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at Ben's Brewing Co./Ben's Brew Station - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please...
719 Walnut Street, Yankton, SD,
Apr 13, 2025Beercade Flipper Frenzy April 2025 This is a timed format, usually 2 and a half hours long (this depends of the number of players). The idea of this format is to win the most amount of games as fast as possible. Each player is randomly paired against another in 2 player matches. Each player will play 2 matches in a row, then be pu...
6104 Maple Street, Omaha, NE,
Apr 13, 2025Ben's Brew Station 8 Strike, Progressive Strikes PLAYERS OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at Ben's Brewing Co./Ben's Brew Station - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please...
719 Walnut Street, Yankton, SD,
Apr 20, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Strikes Tournament LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Apr 20, 2025 Big John's 3rd Sunday April 5-Round Matchplay $10 entry, house doubled pot
1pm start time
IFPA scoring 7/5/3/1 - 7/4/1, balanced arenas, balanced groups
Top 8 to play Amazing Race finals
Payout structure subject to change based on player turnout
9819 M Street, Omaha, NE,
Apr 24, 2025Ben's Brew Station Women's Group Matchplay LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at Ben's Brewing Co./Ben's Brew Station - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please...
719 Walnut Street, Yankton, SD,
Apr 27, 2025Beercade 2 April Target Matchplay 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 7 round Target Matchplay with 28 point target. Swiss pairing (same win/loss record). IFPA scoring (7, 5, 3, 1). Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Apr 28, 2025- Jul 21, 2025:Omaha Pinball League Season 5 Rotating locations: Beercade 2 and Big John's Billiards
Mondays 7:30
12 week regular season, 13th week is playoffs/finals
Bottom 3 scores get dropped, which allows players to miss up to 3 weeks of play
7/5/3/1 scoring
Limit of 45 players due to number of machines
Registration opens March 29th ...
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
May 03, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
May 06, 2025- Jun 10, 2025:The Pinball Room - League Weekly league at The Pinball Room in Sioux Falls, SD. League will run 6 weeks.
The lowest scoring week for each player will be dropped from their total score for the league.
Groupings will be of 3 or 4 depending on number of participants each week.
Five games will be played by each group. Each...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
May 11, 2025Beercade Strike Out May 2025 Players play head to head in groups of 3 or 4. The bottom 2 scores receive a strike. After each round, players are reassigned into groups where everyone has a similar amount of strikes. Once a player has received 3 strikes they are eliminated. In this format extra balls are always turned off.
6104 Maple Street, Omaha, NE,
May 13, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
May 18, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Group Matchplay LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
May 25, 2025Beercade 2 May Matchplay 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 7 round group matchplay 7, 5, 3, 1 in four player groups. 7, 3, 1 in three player groups. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Jun 07, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Jun 10, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Jun 15, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Strikes Tournament LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Jun 22, 2025Beercade 2 June Flipper Frenzy 1 pm start time, $10 entry, cash prizes paid. Two and a half hour Flipper Frenzy. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Jul 08, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Jul 12, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Jul 20, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Group Matchplay LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Jul 27, 2025Beercade 2 July Strikeout 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 3 strike knockout. Bottom 2 players receive strikes in both 3 and 4 player groups. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Aug 02, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Aug 12, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Aug 17, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls 3 Strikes Tournament LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Aug 24, 2025Beercade 2 August Target Matchplay 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 7 round Target Matchplay with 28 point target. Swiss pairing (same win/loss record). IFPA scoring (7, 5, 3, 1). Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Sep 02, 2025- Oct 14, 2025:The Pinball Room - League Weekly league at The Pinball Room in Sioux Falls, SD. League will run 6 weeks.
The lowest scoring week for each player will be dropped from their total score for the league.
Groupings will be of 3 or 4 depending on number of participants each week.
Five games will be played by each group. Each...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Sep 06, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Sep 09, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Sep 21, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Group Matchplay LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Sep 28, 2025Beercade 2 September Matchplay 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 7 round group matchplay 7, 5, 3, 1 in four player groups. 7, 3, 1 in three player groups. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Oct 04, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Oct 14, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Oct 19, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls 3 Strikes Tournament LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Oct 26, 2025Beercade 2 October Flipper Frenzy 1 pm start time, $10 entry, cash prizes paid. Two and a half hour Flipper Frenzy. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Nov 01, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Nov 04, 2025- Dec 09, 2025:The Pinball Room - League Weekly league at The Pinball Room in Sioux Falls, SD. League will run 6 weeks.
The lowest scoring week for each player will be dropped from their total score for the league.
Groupings will be of 3 or 4 depending on number of participants each week.
Five games will be played by each group. Each...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Nov 11, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Nov 16, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls Group Matchplay LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Nov 23, 2025Beercade 2 November Strikeout 1 pm start time, $10 entry plus coin drop, cash prizes paid. 3 strike knockout. Bottom 2 players receive strikes in both 3 and 4 player groups. Extra balls are turned off.
1423 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE,
Dec 06, 2025 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tournament 3 Strike Knockout Tournament
Groups of 4 will play on a randomly selected game each round and bottom 2 players scores on the game will receive a strike. In the case of an odd number of players, groups of 3 may be used and only the lowest score will receive a strike.
Tournament to start at 2pm.
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,
Dec 09, 2025Tuesday Night Fights @ NBC 5 round group matchplay qualifier
top 4 will continue on to finals
$10 entry
100% payout to top 4
6950 South 108th Street, La Vista, NE,
Dec 21, 2025Belles & Chimes Sioux Falls 3 Strikes Tournament LADIES OF ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS WELCOME TO COME PLAY!
If this is your first tournament ever, or even just your first one at The Pinball Room - we got you covered!
Here are the basics:
When you arrive, please check in with our tour...
2111 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD,