"At least one of the low pressure (yellow) pop bumpers is kind of dead. Other than that it's playing perfectly, well worth the 50 cents." Whirlwind (Williams, 1990)
Star Wars Episode 1 (Williams, 1999)
removed from
Bullpen Pizza & Sports Bar
in Sugar Land
Jun 09, 2023
"one of the drop targets? appears to be phantom scoring noticed something scored when i was selecting song and drop targets have been getting locked in without hitting" Rush (Pro) (Stern, 2022)
"Left coin slot consistently eats quarters without giving credits. Right corn slot is not lit and is counterintuitively the only one that works." Creature from the Black Lagoon (Bally, 1992)
"Ball got stuck on one of the ramps. Came down during another ball, but it was actually kinda fun playing double ball pinball so I didn’t mind. Otherwise great. Fun to play, had me hootin’ and hollerin’ throughout." Scared Stiff (Bally, 1996)