"75¢/1 $2/3. Ball lock gate is broken so balls will fall in from the kick out end. Right orbit has a wire hanging down causing balls to get stuck. There are a couple of other places where balls like to get stuck in this game as well. The game will kick out a second ball to chase the stuck ball though." Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2003)
"Was showing messages about shorted switches or ground shorts on arrival. Won't coin up, left corn slot rejects coins, right slot takes them but won't give credit." Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams, 1993)
"Ball trough switches need attention. Had the game kick out two balls at once a couple of times, at least three or four balls were ended early, and ball save was triggered during multi-ball at least once when it shouldn't have been." Godzilla (Pro) (Stern, 2021)
Line-up confirmed at
Poison Girl
in Houston
Jul 02, 2023
"Locks don’t seem to be registering. May also be some trough issues…ball drains and it doesn’t register immediately" Guns N' Roses (CE) (Jersey Jack, 2020)
"Going to be moved out within the week for a deep cleaning and a well earned rest. Coming into the lineup: Dolly Parton at 50 cents a game." Attack From Mars (Bally, 1995)