The Sopranos (Stern, 2005)
added to
Sportstown Billiards
in Orlando
Feb 28, 2025
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Premium) (Stern, 2020)
removed from
Sportstown Billiards
in Orlando
Feb 27, 2025
"This machine is in rough shape. Lots of broken pieces and components on its way out.. Disney if you want to sell me it for a project, I’ll buy it if the price is right" Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern, 2006)
"Game plays ok, but is quite ‘tired’. Slingshots and scoop are very weak.
Stay away from the scoop! It just kind of dribbles out and goes straight down the middle every time, only very aggressive nudging can save it…maybe, but probably not.
The game is located in an arcade area geared towards kids.
The lighting is really bad. There are very bright can lights in the ceiling and the glare/reflection on the glass is tough.
Having said all that, it actually plays ok!
Not great, but good enough if you need a quick ‘fix’!" Ghostbusters (Pro) (Stern, 2016)