"Machine is leaning hard to the right. Autoplunge doesn’t make it up the side ramp and returns down the right outlane. No fun." Foo Fighters (Premium) (Stern, 2023)
Cactus Canyon (Remake LE) (Chicago Gaming, 2021)
added to
Cheyenne Ice & Event Center
in Cheyenne
Sep 29, 2023
Scooby-Doo (CE) (Spooky, 2023)
added to
Flippers Family Arcade
in Cheyenne
Jul 29, 2023
"Right side bumper rubber band broken. Balls stack up. Also lost balls in the monster. Game is a waste of money as it stands. Plus side is that things tilt is almost non existent" Stranger Things (Pro) (Stern, 2019)