"Thought it was a two dollar machine. Only $1. Works on right coin slot, scared to try the left one again. An excellent machine and a great break from all the Sterns. " The Big Lebowski
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
removed from
Woody's Pizza
in Folly Beach
Apr 15, 2022
Stranger Things (Pro)
added to
Woody's Pizza
in Folly Beach
Apr 03, 2022
Guns N' Roses (LE)
removed from
The Break
in Charleston
Apr 02, 2022
"Needs work. Balls get stuck in center scoop. Stuck on right inlane switch. Plunger spring is busted like a Daytona stripper. Dirty too. " Guns N' Roses (LE)
"Yes it is sad for a machine that is 10 days old. I'll get by there soon as I can to see whats going on with it. I need to update the code as well. " Rush (Pro)