"Card is working! … until it stopped working. I’m used to unplugging it and it worked great.! I didn’t see any rules posted so I did not consult the teenage staff. I posted the third behind GC STOWE who is GC on I think 3 of 4 pins." Deadpool (Pro) (Stern, 2018)
"Ball stuck underneath right ramp return (sorry that was me), can interfere with travel and drop ball into middle of field. Multiball unaffected. Manager notified. Flippers strong, plunger strong af (pull back all the way you can actually jump over your flipper lmao be careful)." Metallica (Pro) (Stern, 2013)
"On rare occasions, I've seen this game crash (2 times now). Game freezes and goes dark but eventually comes back on. Game is lost, but credits are preserved." Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium) (Stern, 2019)