"snake broken. does not eject ball automatically. leans badly to the right. if ball approaches right outlane, then it's likely a drain." Metallica (Pro) (Stern, 2013)
"The left flipper occasionally goes dead, don’t think that was part of the FORCE interaction. 😀. Also replace the left spring in the flipper button to a standard one as it is way to hard to press it, just compare with right flipper. This throws off ones game a lot in this state. Other than that that machine plays great." Star Wars (Pro) (Stern, 2017)
JAWS (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
removed from
Game On Pinball
in San Jose
Nov 29, 2024
Barry O's Barbecue Challenge (CE) (American, 2024)
removed from
Game On Pinball
in San Jose
Nov 29, 2024
"Coin jam fixed. @crow1981. next time let the attendant know vs rant on pinball maps for such a basic issue." Star Trek: The Next Generation (Williams, 1993)
Funhouse 2.0 (Rudy's Nightmare) (Pedretti Gaming, 2021)
added to
Free Gold Watch
in San Francisco
Nov 27, 2024
"I'll look at the current code version next time I'm in, and if it's out of date, I'll get it updated." Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Premium) (Stern, 2020)
"Machine is just all around rough. Everything works fine as far as i can tell, but this machine had been around the block more than a few times, and it shows." Funhouse (Williams, 1990)
"Left flipper gets stuck in the up position every time you press the button. My money says this isn't going to be fixed for a very long time" Spider-Man (Stern, 2007)
"I played this game today. It’s pretty played out. The machine looks and plays tired. Honestly, I’m surprised they put an LE out there. It’s just beat to shit. It’s like a $15,000 pin man!" The Wizard of Oz (Emerald City) (Jersey Jack, 2013)
"Watch out for this machine I put the quarters in and it just ate them with no credit for the game. It just eats your quarters! Don’t play!" Star Trek: The Next Generation (Williams, 1993)