"Flippers are now POPPING on this thing. Both plunger and auto plunge are a little soft but doesn't affect ability to make skill shot. Careful what you wish for. Plays well but tough" Star Wars (Premium)
"Upper loop flipper a little misaligned but otherwise this thing is really playable. It's pretty uncommon for new stern flippers to need a rebuild unless they're truly hammered. This thing has some scores in it if you have the time. " Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
"Super skill launch often doesn't go all the way around into play. Yeah flipper alignment could be worse, left inlane has bad flipper hop, but I've played worse. Seems otherwise all working.
As far as suggestions to boycott--for my money you'll get more traction showing up and spending money and then staying on the crew here to maintain the tables. Get a big group together to come play on a slow night, buy lots of drinks, make it clear you're there for the pinball, and you'll come back regularly if they keep up on the maintenance. Start a gang. " Attack From Mars (Remake LE)