"It must be a rule that this bar gets the jankiest machines Shorty’s has to offer. Months after the last one was finally removed we get this piece of shit.
The right flipper rests on the machine and when engaged it can’t get much higher than where it should be resting. Also if you try the Orthanc shot most the time it gets stuck and searches for a ball.
This machine has been here for like 6 days." Lord of the Rings (Stern, 2003)
"Recently fixed and plays well overall. Crypt vertical up-kick is a little weak, not offering opportunity for Trunk hits." Elvira's House of Horrors (LE) (Stern, 2019)
"Pops/jets field light is out, making this area dark. Does not drastically affect gameplay. Otherwise plays great!" Attack From Mars (Remake LE) (Chicago Gaming, 2017)
"Vertical up-kick at the top of the field is getting weak, takes a couple of tries to push the ball out. Otherwise plays great!" Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995)
"Left orbit does not register shots for mode progression, Drive Me Crazy, and Jackpots. Haunted House is fixed." Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium) (Stern, 2019)