"Flipper angles seem weird. Like they’re pointed downwards too far from resting position.
Left flipper doesn’t seem to extend up as high as the right unless my eyes are bad." NBA Fastbreak
"Right kicker/scoop barley reaches the left flipper.
Everything else seems perfectly fine from the few games I’ve played." Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
"Well Walker switch not working right to where it constantly gets trigger resulting in quick multiballs.
Wire for the inlane is broken and blocks the left outlane. You have to use the flippers to "vibrate" the machine enough for the ball to slip through.
Volume is very quiet. Flippers seem fine." The Walking Dead (Pro)
"Left flipper angle is a bit low, can't cradle ball or barley can.
Scoop shot (Stroke of Luck) doesn't shoot strong enough so it can drain down the middle easily.
There is no rubber next to the right outlane so the ball can be stuck there resulting in a tilt if you try to wiggle it out.
Other than that, the game is fine and the volume is loud enough even with bar music.
" Attack From Mars (Remake) (Special Edition)
"Love in an Elevator does not work right since there's a ball that's stuck in it. Kicker for the Toybox works 99% percent of the time, out of 15 games I've only had ONE time where it wasn't able to kick to the toybox. Other than that, flippers are fine everything else seems fine. Volume is very low." Aerosmith (Pro)