Recent Activity

Here's a feed of edits to the San Antonio Pinball Map going back to 2019.

Machine added
Machine removed
New condition
Score added
Location confirmed
Jun 28, 2023
"Cleaned and waxed"
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro) (Stern, 2018)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by TFC
Jun 28, 2023
"Cleaned and waxed"
Godzilla (Premium) (Stern, 2021)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by TFC
Jun 20, 2023
Red & Ted's Road Show (Williams, 1994) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by Marty_Graw77
Jun 20, 2023
The Champion Pub (Bally, 1998) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by Marty_Graw77
Jun 20, 2023
Centaur (Bally, 1981) added to What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by Marty_Graw77
Jun 14, 2023
"Get a refund from the front of it takes your quarters so they can log it for maintenance to check, front does not have keys"
Twilight Zone (Bally, 1993)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Jun 14, 2023
High Hand (Gottlieb, 1973) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Jun 13, 2023
"Takes your quarters most the time"
Twilight Zone (Bally, 1993)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by legogirl
Jun 11, 2023
"The flippers do stick a bit sometimes"
The Flintstones (Williams, 1994)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by samuraifez
Jun 11, 2023
The Flintstones (Williams, 1994) added to What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by samuraifez
Jun 10, 2023
Metallica (Pro) (Stern, 2013) added to Slackers Sports Bar in San Antonio
Jun 10, 2023
AC/DC (Pro Vault Edition) (Stern, 2017) added to Slackers Sports Bar in San Antonio
Jun 10, 2023
"Working…for now 😁"
Laser Cue (Williams, 1984)
Good Golly TX in San Antonio by Marty_Graw77
Jun 10, 2023
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Premium) (Stern, 2020) removed from Blacksmith Grill in Boerne by samuraifez
Jun 07, 2023
"Not Insider Connected. Loose tilt. YeeHaw!"
The Mandalorian (Pro) (Stern, 2021)
Main Street Bar in San Antonio by Marty_Graw77
Jun 07, 2023
The Mandalorian (Pro) (Stern, 2021) added to Main Street Bar in San Antonio
Jun 06, 2023
"Left flapper sticks and ball gets stuck on the roll through our in WAR"
Black Knight: Sword of Rage (Pro) (Stern, 2019)
Pinstack in San Antonio by photoman16
Jun 01, 2023
"Insider not connected on the machine and don’t get your hopes up. The tech happened to be around when I was there so I asked him to set it up and he said that I needed to do it… through Williams. So yeah."
Godzilla (Pro) (Stern, 2021)
Slackers in San Antonio by mrfernback
May 28, 2023
"Batphone is not rotating to advance feature, needs maintenance!"
Batman 66 (Premium) (Stern, 2016)
Pinstack in San Antonio by gpdutsa
May 25, 2023
"The right flipper button doesn't work consistently. 1 out of ~ 100 presses won't work"
NBA Fastbreak (Bally, 1997)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
May 12, 2023
"Screen is broken"
Starship Troopers (Sega, 1997)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
May 11, 2023
Rancho (Williams, 1977) added to Hamby’s in Boerne by Marty_Graw77
May 11, 2023
Buck Rogers (Gottlieb, 1980) added to Hamby’s in Boerne by Marty_Graw77
May 11, 2023
Count-Down (Gottlieb, 1979) added to Hamby’s in Boerne by Marty_Graw77
May 02, 2023
"Works great, I just didn't get to the top 😂"
Halloween (CE) (Spooky, 2021)
Michael's Horror And Pinball in Converse by samuraifez
Apr 30, 2023
Sky Jump (Gottlieb, 1974) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 30, 2023
Judge Dredd (Bally, 1993) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 30, 2023
"Removed paper towel. Enjoy!"
Game of Thrones (Pro) (Stern, 2015)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 29, 2023
"Piece of paper towel in machine"
Game of Thrones (Pro) (Stern, 2015)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
Apr 29, 2023
"Front scoop is fixed but still not connected to Insider."
Rush (Pro) (Stern, 2022)
Slackers in San Antonio by mrfernback
Apr 25, 2023
Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) added to What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by samuraifez
Apr 23, 2023
"Bottom playfield targets are not registering at all. :("
AC/DC (Premium) (Stern, 2012)
Pinstack in San Antonio by stratocollier89
Apr 23, 2023
"Drop targets fixed! Top hole is achievable as should be. The only known issue I can find is the left spinner is not very spinny. 🤷🏼‍♂️"
AC/DC (Premium) (Stern, 2012)
Pinstack in San Antonio by stratocollier89
Apr 23, 2023
"Flippers fixed! Everything works great! Doc Ock seems to be in what I’d call hard mode? He is moving up and down, making you time your shot just right. Kinda cool!"
Spider-Man (Vault Edition) (Stern, 2016)
Pinstack in San Antonio by stratocollier89
Apr 22, 2023
Galactic Tank Force (Classic) (American, 2023) added to What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by papertiger
Apr 21, 2023
"Easier to see. Button fixed."
Black Rose (Bally, 1992)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 21, 2023
"Weldment fixed. Works 100%"
The Champion Pub (Bally, 1998)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 21, 2023
"Repaired! Report if it happens again"
Funhouse 2.0 (Rudy's Nightmare) (Pedretti Gaming, 2021)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 21, 2023
"Flippers rebuilt. Can hit all ramps now!"
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (Williams, 1993)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 21, 2023
"Flipper alignment fixed"
Super Mario Bros. (Gottlieb, 1992)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 21, 2023
Whirlwind (Williams, 1990) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by mmckenna
Apr 20, 2023
"Card swiper working"
AC/DC (Premium) (Stern, 2012)
Pinstack in San Antonio by samuraifez
Apr 15, 2023
Ghostbusters (Pro) (Stern, 2016) removed from What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by ob619
Apr 15, 2023
"Right flipper rests higher than the left"
Super Mario Bros. (Gottlieb, 1992)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
Apr 14, 2023
"Left kick save doesn't work"
Super Mario Bros. (Gottlieb, 1992)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
Apr 12, 2023
"Looks to be in order but the card swiper wasn't working! Lol I want to play the game!! "
AC/DC (Premium) (Stern, 2012)
Pinstack in San Antonio by samuraifez
Apr 08, 2023
"Left flipper button takes a lot of pressure to activate and feels very weird playing "
Judge Dredd (Bally, 1993)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
Apr 07, 2023
High score: 92,584,990
Foo Fighters (Pro) (Stern, 2023)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
Apr 07, 2023
High score: 25,349,580
Foo Fighters (Pro) (Stern, 2023)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5
Apr 07, 2023
High score: 17,436,910
Foo Fighters (Pro) (Stern, 2023)
What's Brewing? Coffee Roasters in San Antonio by dxy5