"$1 for 5 ball play. Plays fine volume is up pretty good. Play field is clean and flippers are responsive. Replay at 14 million. The game is wedged pretty tight between a boxing game and motorcycle racing game, so it makes it kinda hard to nudge. My advice is to go when their closing so you don’t have to pay an entry fee and they also turn off the music when their shutting down so you can hear the game better." The Simpsons Pinball Party
Aug 30, 2019
"Drops locked ramp multi-ball when it shouldn’t. " Deadpool (Pro)
"50 cents for 3 ball play has a bill accepter too. It’s the same one from granites cheesesteaks. Very clean playfield. Flippers are strong but feel loose and can be hard to aim with. Slightly tight tilt, and no ball save. The nonfunctional replay system is still there, but on the plus side the volume is turned up pretty good." Wipe Out
Jurassic Park (Pro)
added to
The Blind Pig
in Sacramento
Aug 21, 2019
Star Wars (Pro)
added to
Aug 21, 2019
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
removed from
Aug 16, 2019
"50 cents for 3 ball play. The ring funnel broke off its housing and it’s floating around in the play-field above the orc rollovers. there was a ball already stuck in the funnel when I played it and when my ball hit the funnel, the trapped ball was freed and when one of them drained the bonus got collected and killed the other ball. The funnel also trapped my ball 3 times and it became a really annoying problem. I let the bartender know and she said would text the guy who maintains the games. Replay at 35 million." Lord of the Rings
"Back up and running 50 cents for 3 ball play or $2 for 5 credits plunger is still stiff and play field still dirty. The ball lock carry over problem still hasn’t been fixed. VERY short ball save, and slightly tight tilt. Replay has been raised to 12 million points and the match system is less generous. And the volume has been turned down. Kinda disappointed really, I was hoping the game would be more playable after it got repaired. Probably won’t be going back." Monopoly
Aug 11, 2019
"Currently out of order traffic light mech fell off and trapped a ball, possibly will get fixed Tuesday, let Loren know 👍🏼" High Speed
"$1 for 3 credits 3 ball play playfield is clean and has LEDS installed, however game still in the same condition as Pepsime37 mentioned, only now the lock ramp won’t lower so you can’t lock balls for multiball and the left ramp shot doesn’t register since is missing the actuator arm, not in good condition don’t waist your time playing 👎🏻" The Getaway: High Speed II
Star Wars (Pro)
added to
Score Board
in Citrus Heights
Aug 06, 2019
Line-up confirmed at
Players Pub
in Fair Oaks
Aug 06, 2019
High Speed
added to
Dad's Kitchen
in Sacramento
Aug 06, 2019
removed from
Dad's Kitchen
in Sacramento
Aug 05, 2019
Line-up confirmed at
Aug 05, 2019
"50 cents for 3 ball play. super clean play field. game still plays perfectly. Replay has been lowered to 350 million points. Relatively low tilt. Match system has been turned off. The sound turned down pretty low, but if you turn down the tv next to the other games you can hear it better." Red & Ted's Road Show
Aug 05, 2019
"No beer on tap, bottles only, cute barkeep" AC/DC (Pro)