"Locks work properly. Lock 2 light still out. Castle, drawbridge, and gate work properly. Trolls register being able to knock them down on left and right side. Game is super clean and flippers feel great." Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997)
"Playfield cleaned up well. Ring registers mode, but doesn’t catch ball. Sometimes left ramp doesn’t register. Could not destroy ring after hitting 2 shots on the left ramp without registering. Balrog works flawlessly." Lord of the Rings (Stern, 2003)
"Scoop working properly. Drop target behind saucer working again. Flippers will be aligned properly next week. Shoots great and plenty of flipper strength." Attack From Mars (Bally, 1995)
World Poker Tour (Stern, 2006)
removed from
Tommy's Grandstand
in Sparks
May 30, 2023
"Game plays excellent for its age. Flippers are strong. Can hit freeways well and upper flipper can drill the ramp. Playfield is in pretty good condition also. Not a ton of wear." High Speed (Williams, 1986)
"Austin Powers needs a lot of work. Flippers are low strength. Multiple balls get shot into the shooter lane. As soon as two balls are launched and one drains, ball ends. Playfield needs to be cleaned." Austin Powers (Stern, 2001)
"Left troll does not pop up. Castle drawbridge hit works, but when hitting gate, does not register. Cannot destroy castle. Game shoots great for flipper strength." Medieval Madness (Remake) (Chicago Gaming, 2016)
"Very nice Addams Family with no issues. Everything works. The best part is bear ramp can be shot with right flipper. Playfield is super clean and shiny." The Addams Family (Bally, 1992)