"Best game ever! I had to be dragged off the machine kicking and screaming. Can’t get enough of the saucy meat!" Barry O's Barbecue Challenge (CE) (American, 2024)
Batman: The Dark Knight (Stern, 2008)
removed from
Niko's Lounge
in Pittsburgh
May 08, 2024
"Sound is on but I swear they turned the ball save down to about 0 seconds. Balls drained incredibly fast. The main scoop is also out of alignment so it drains SDTM almost every time. That's a common problem with GnR." Guns N' Roses (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2020)
Elton John (PE) (Jersey Jack, 2023)
added to
Pins Mechanical Co.
in Pittsburgh
May 06, 2024
"I used to not like Iron Man until I played this machine here. Best public Iron Man in Pittsburgh.. $1/3 balls…you can drive a truck through the generous outlanes. Well kept machine. Only con, small/tight play area" Iron Man (Stern, 2010)