"Right flipper sticks. Playfield Procter or needs a good cleaning badly! Quantum electric company center target doesn’t register. Camera doesn’t work." Dialed In! (Jersey Jack, 2017)
Alien (Remake LE) (Pinball Brothers, 2021)
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Game Gallery
in Langhorne
Oct 05, 2024
"Upper right flipper could use a new EOS (sometimes spazzing), along with sticking. Displays showing phantom digits/not quite working right. Playing well otherwise" Motordome (Bally, 1986)
Medieval Madness (Remake) (Chicago Gaming, 2016)
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Game Gallery
in Langhorne
Oct 05, 2024
Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997)
removed from
Game Gallery
in Langhorne
Oct 05, 2024
"Ends Multiballs prematurely (with two balls in play) and then ends your ball when it drains down to one ball. This does not occur if multiball isn’t started. Throws a “too many balls” message if you drain in a normal ball. Magnet above the pop bumpers is not functional" Lost In Space (Sega, 1998)
"Same stuck ball issue persists, but when trying to nudge it out, I noticed that the head was also rocking back and forth. Out of caution for the game, I walked away" Lady Luck (Bally, 1986)
"Flippers are still weak, and the left one is now sticking. Switch issue with the lock mech allows progress towards lighting the locks to be spotted by spamming the flippers." Independence Day (Sega, 1996)
"Ball hop fixed. However, the magnet for air raid locks is not working. The cow target is also completely non-functional (not moving or registering), and the flippers are misaligned. Otherwise ok, but the shaker motor is incredibly loud" Galactic Tank Force (Classic) (American, 2023)