bakadora added a high score of 76605190 on Black Knight: Sword of Rage (Pro) at Round 1 Bowling & Amusement
Jan 05, 2020
"Ball can stick under the R skill shot and in the corner of the ball lock turn. Gentle nudge frees it from the R. Loco requires ball hunt. " Black Knight: Sword of Rage (Pro)
"Some work was done on the game - flippers are now beefy but all of the insert lights are out and the left ramp switch to get to the upperplayfield isn't registering. I put in a service call on 1/2/20. Said they'll come out." The Simpsons Pinball Party
"Plays okay. Lower flippers weak and make it very difficult to get ball up into the living room from garage. Playable, but gets old quick with the dull flippers." The Simpsons Pinball Party
Nov 05, 2019
No Good Gofers
added to
SoapBox Laundry
in Philadelphia