Spider-Man (Stern, 2007)
removed from
in Brooklyn
Feb 03, 2024
"Weird aftermarket flashing RGB pinstadium type thing makes playing this game extremely uncomfortable. Maybe they meant to set it to white?? Really bad at the moment." Stranger Things (Pro) (Stern, 2019)
"Plays just fine but it's hugging a tall wooden table on the left, which makes it hard to play since your hand is sort of wedged in there. If I didn't have small hands it'd be a no-go. Hoping the operators (hi operators!!) can move it a few inches to the right." Guns N' Roses (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2020)
"Plays great. Left chair LED flickers on and off sometimes. Right graveyard scoop light is always out but maybe I'm misremembering that it should be on. Kind of drainy if you try to get cute with the flippers, but that's my fault." The Addams Family (Bally, 1992)
"Machine is in good condition and playing as it should. Flippers are strong. The plunger is a little weak and machine leans slightly right but other than that playing great. This is one of the more forgiving AfM you will find." Attack From Mars (Bally, 1995)
"Lights in the top of the playfield (ex. Powerline targets, Bridge) aren’t lighting accurately; difficult to understand progress in certain modes at a glance." Godzilla (Premium) (Stern, 2021)
"there's a problem up top where the ball can't make it around on the plunge, and frequently gets stuck up there. the only way to make the crucial Life Foundation skill shot is to do a very short plunge." Venom (Premium) (Stern, 2023)
"Pretty sure the center target for Sandman (once the gate is down) isn't working properly. Also pretty sure this has been the case since 2017." Spider-Man (Stern, 2007)