"Broken zap button but otherwise fine." The Munsters (Pro)
Aug 04, 2019
"When I was there the machine was very clean. The only real problem with the machine was the ball usually got stuck in the drain but eventually was sent to the shooter lane after several attempts by the machine. The game is $.25 for 3 balls and the save post was stuck in the up position making it easy to get free game by either special or replay." Secret Service
Aug 04, 2019
Line-up confirmed at
Jilly's Arcade
in Ocean City
Aug 04, 2019
"Plunger spring jacked. Need to hit it or use the action button to launch the ball well enough to hit skill shot." Star Wars (Pro)
"Every feature works! Never thought I’d see a SWT on location that plays properly... a few inserts are flashing when they aren’t supposed to (ramp Jackpot & hole Extra Ball) but ignore those and the game plays well." Star Wars Trilogy
"Flippers mismatched. Skill shot gate doesn’t divert the ball properly, meaning autoplunged balls at the start of 2-ball play or Multiball are sent directly to the flippers. Still plays well though." Batman