"Left outlane is blocked by East Dock sign that fell off playfield. Currently three balls stuck in outlane and one in inlane. Unplayable as it sits." Jurassic Park (Premium) (Stern, 2019)
"Leaning to the right. Machine is oddly dark. Top left flipper cannot be held up. Bottom right flipper will jitter sometimes. Not sure what happened to this machine" The Addams Family (Bally, 1992)
"I don’t recall seeing this machine if somebody could back me up on this, I don’t want to remove it just in case it is there" F-14 Tomcat (Williams, 1987)
"In working order. Ball is too heavy for the flippers so it can’t reach upper playfield. Left flipper got stuck a couple of times." Hercules (Atari, 1979)
"2 machines on location, the one next to the mini golf is the newest one. Has nice purple lights. Both machines are pretty good" The Addams Family (Bally, 1992)