"Building target was fixed. Balls occasionally get stuck in the bottom area of the building, but a little nudge will do the trick." Godzilla (Premium) (Stern, 2021)
"this is a solid Jaws. table angle however is pretty high which can make hitting the left target bank difficult at times. The tilt bob on this game is pretty damn tight too (despite it being very hard) so careful nudging on this one." JAWS (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
JAWS (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
added to
Free Play Bar Arcade
in Worcester
Apr 02, 2024
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium) (Stern, 2019)
removed from
Free Play Bar Arcade
in Worcester
Apr 02, 2024
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium) (Stern, 2019)
added to
Free Play Bar Arcade
in Worcester
Mar 29, 2024
"Best playing Jaws I’ve run into so far. During a multiball with a trap on the lower right flipper and mini flipper at the same time, a carefully timed flip will backhand the pond shot and hit the left orbit at the same time! The “Scars” shot is also a much easier backhand compared to the pro that was here previously." JAWS (Premium) (Stern, 2024)
"Balls constantly get stuck above the truck. Missing the plastic protector. Had 4 balls out of play when I was there, which forces pizza multiball to a 2 ball multiball." Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro) (Stern, 2020)
"second from the right drop target doesn’t go down even when hit. Game is constantly resetting the targets because of this. Literally unplayable" Stranger Things (Pro) (Stern, 2019)
"Buildings left target is Out of Order. makes Tesla strike impossible as well as titanasauraus fight.
inner flipper feels insanely weak as well." Godzilla (Premium) (Stern, 2021)
"Right ball shooter does not keep track of balls or multiballs correct. Game will end multiballs when you still have 2 balls and will grab your ball and keep it when it is empty." Venom (Pro) (Stern, 2023)