"Very good condition.
- Auto-plunge highly likely to drain in the right outline
- Wire guard over the shooter lane is stuck open. This can result in balls leaving the playfield, auto-plunge, then drain" Led Zeppelin (Pro)
"Playable but there are a few issues related to multiball
- the racetrack redirect rail at the bottom right might not open causing additional balls to drain without making it into the playfield
- after locking a ball, a new ball might not kick out at the plunger. Machine cycles looking for stuck ball and eventually gives one after 2 cycles. I believe a rail in the top-left of the playfield remains open after cycling and when a ball is plunged, will immediately lock.
- error message “operator warning #…”" NASCAR
"Software just updated to be current-- most notably the skill shot bonus increased and demagorgon can be defeated through indirect hits now." Stranger Things (Pro)