"Nice machine, plays well. Left flipper slightly weaker than right, bumpers are in rough shape getting weak and breaking in spots but still very playable. Replay is very reasonable, got a replay twice in the 5 games i payed for. 50¢ per play is more than fair with a 5th credit free for $2." Avatar (Stern, 2010)
"Ball gets stuck on upper flipper set, a “nudge” is required to get ball moving down monorail ramp.
Ball also gets stuck behind far right ramp, machine has to jiggle all flippers and bumpers to unstick" The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern, 2003)
"Left flipper button sticks, when you need it most, that is when you cannot operate flipper and “FORCE” side bumpers stuck in the down position, unplayable…" Star Wars (Pro) (Stern, 2017)