The Mandalorian (Premium) (Stern, 2021)
added to
Homewood Brewing Co.
in Homewood
Nov 05, 2024
"Why did the high scores get wiped on this game? My high of 545,454,710 is gone. Thanks to Insider Connected keeping track of it for me." Deadpool (Pro) (Stern, 2018)
"Shoots great and scoring settings are generous. Megamillions is set to RANDOM. Got a 10 mil mega on one of my first plays. Scored an extra ball most games. Some Lizard needs to come in and light this thing up." Radical! (Bally, 1990)
"Leveling is super hard to the right. Have to fight against right pull. Seems like the floors at this DNB lean to the right and most machines are not leveled to correct so gameplay is off on most of them - JP, stranger things, Deadpool." Jurassic Park (Pro) (Stern, 2019)
"Currently has an issue where two balls launch, so when the first one drains turn ends, which renders it unplayable until this issue is fixed." JAWS (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
"Machine is recently set up after pinball expo. Current location has it leveled hard to the right, with very high vertical leveling, and very tight tilt bob which makes it challenging to play." The Uncanny X-Men (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
"Machine pulls hard to the right, leveling is off L-to-R, so much that when you drop down the mini flipper to the lower flipper it drains. Which is not how game should perform." JAWS (Premium) (Stern, 2024)
California Nevada diverter doesn't divert, resulting in confused machine during multiball
Strange combination of playing fast but silicone flippers that slow it down and throw off shots" Earthshaker (Williams, 1989)
Many lights out on playfield
Top right flipper sticks
Flippers misaligned
Silicone flippers so shots are off" The Addams Family (Bally, 1992)