Line-up confirmed at
High Knob Inn
in Hillsgrove
Aug 22, 2024
"It played nicely. No issues with flippers. I did manage to get through the meteor field. Would play multiple times again for sure." Star Wars (Pro) (Stern, 2017)
"A fast game. Everything functions as it should. Newer Stern games can be convoluted with character selection and goals associated with each character, but it was very fun. I’d have to tuck-in for an hour or so to learn the game." Venom (Pro) (Stern, 2023)
"Excellent game. Had a great time playing it. Everything feels right, the ramps and rails are fun and the audio and video clips from the movie add to the nostalgia. The moving target for the chum line is a nice touch. I’ll be looking forward to playing this machine again." JAWS (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
"Played well enough, although I had a gray block “hardware error” message appear on the display screen during multiball play." Guns N' Roses (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2020)
"Game is currently experiencing issues. My first ball became logged beneath the ramp above the drop targets. Unplayable sadly." Halloween (CE) (Spooky, 2021)
"I couldn’t find the machine. If it was there it wasn’t near the others. I won’t remove it because it’s a big arcade and maybe I just missed it." Hercules (Atari, 1979)
Comet (Williams, 1985)
added to
in Hershey
Aug 17, 2024
"I don’t know what happened to this, ball kept getting stuck in a scoop but then one just completely disappeared, ball search and tilting doing do anything. Real shame." Monopoly (Stern, 2001)