Attack From Mars (Remake LE) (Chicago Gaming, 2017)
added to
Burn Block Social Club
in Calgary
Mar 02, 2024
Cactus Canyon (Remake LE) (Chicago Gaming, 2021)
added to
Burn Block Social Club
in Calgary
Feb 28, 2024
Elektra (Bally, 1981)
added to
The Hidden Spot
in Calgary
Feb 28, 2024
WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994)
removed from
The Hidden Spot
in Calgary
Feb 28, 2024
JAWS (Pro) (Stern, 2024)
added to
The Hidden Spot
in Calgary
Feb 24, 2024
"Feb 24 - Left flipper is 3/10, not strong enough to make the main ramp shot. The right outlane post is in the highway robbery position. The volume is very low, not that i'm particularly a Rush music fan, but i do like to hear the game. The overhead lighting strip is terrible for gameplay, they have so much room in there, the machine could be in a better position/orientation for play. Replay algorithm is fair if the flipper was fixed and if the right outlane post was in the middle position. I'm not sure it it's somehow random by design, but the scoop will sometimes straight centre drain." Rush (Pro) (Stern, 2022)
"Game of Thrones is onsite. On start, there is an issue where the player cannot choose their house, it just starts you into Stark, which has several impacts on gameplay/strategy/fun.
The dragon shot has a problem and in certain modes, you have to let ball search run a few times before it will release it, this affects scoring because most modes are countdown. When extra ball is lit, the shot works as expected.
Worse though, is that there is a trap/problem at the very top of the left orbit where the ball passes through into the top lanes, when the ball is stuck there (seems random, and it is related to the little flap mech/magnet), you have to tilt to get it out... even ball search can't release it, after 4 unsuccessful searches it just ends the ball, so if you haven't tilted it out, you lose two balls essentially, because it starts your next ball, and on launch, the new ball will free the stuck ball, now you are playing two balls without multiball benefits but when you lose the first ball, the other ball is done too.
The game isn't level (drifts to the right flipper), but the tilt settings are fair.
The outlane posts are in the highway robbery positions.
Replay settings are fair if the game was working. I like this game a lot, but it isn't working right currently." Game of Thrones (Pro) (Stern, 2015)
"Replay score is set to award an extra ball instead of a credit. My preference would be replay. As of January 9, the machine was playing well and the setup is fair." Indiana Jones (Stern, 2008)
"As of January 9 - the x-men machine is powered off. Assumed needing repair. I didn't notice any tech contact info on the machines." X-Men (Pro) (Stern, 2012)