"Good machine located near the rear door in a quiet corner. Everything works. Fresh action. A loose screw under the glass got lodged under the left in-lane switch wire while I was playing. I came back 2 weeks later and it was fixed." Deadpool (Pro) (Stern, 2018)
"Worn out machine. 1 lower flipper won't fully return to its resting position. Right upper flipper is so weak it barely has enough power to send the ball up the ramp to the upper level. I think more is broken...first time I played Simpsons so I'm not familiar with what should be working." The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern, 2003)
"Not in great condition. Upper right of the playfield is dark and doesn't seem to register at all, so good luck getting Battle for the Wall. On the other hand, the flipper rubber is so dirty that trapping the ball is really easy. :)" Game of Thrones (Pro) (Stern, 2015)
James Bond 007 (Pro) (Stern, 2022)
removed from
Full Tilt Brewing
in Baltimore
Mar 10, 2023
"Frank registers maybe 40 percent of the time even on a dead on hit. Dracula not registering at all." Monster Bash (Remake Special) (Chicago Gaming, 2018)