"I picked this up today (3/3/22) from Lilburn Georgia for $250. It needs some work to play reliably. The owner had it in his home since 1991. It was a game he played as a kid and his only game he owned. For its age, it is in pretty good condition. We think it'll be a keeper here for a while. It is our 2nd EM game. I'm not a huge EM fan but they do have a place in a larger pinball collection. " Big Indian
Big Indian
added to
Oasis Arcade
in Lithia Springs
Feb 27, 2022
added to
Oasis Arcade
in Lithia Springs
Feb 24, 2022
"I picked this game up at an auction in Chatanooga TN. on 2/24/22. It was designed by John Borg.
This one already had LED's but needed cleaning/shopping. The time machine belt is broken and flippers are weak.
New flipper assemblies and new time machine belt ordered from pinball life.
Current pricing on pinside is around $5500. I paid $4635 total + $200 parts. So, not the best deal ever but good used pinball games are so hard to find now! When you find them you gotta pay up or you lose out.
This game MIGHT be a keeper. Time will tell. " Austin Powers
"We got this from a collector in knoxville TN. I think we paid $2900 for it but I can't remember exactly. While downloading music on NAPSTER, my husband & I played this game a lot on the computer back in the early 2000's... ahh the college days! We were happy to find a beautiful huo example in knoxville to add to our collection. I spent a good 20 hours going through this and making it perfect again. Now, we can try to relive some of the old college days spent playing RollerCoaster Tycoon on the computer but on a pinball game instead!" RollerCoaster Tycoon
"Malfunctions occasionally when getting balls locked for Godzilla multiball. It will just shut off and restart the machine. Awesome staff!!!! Even w the malfunction, I had fun there. " Godzilla (Premium)