"Almost all machines here are angled in one way or another, but this one is specifically terrible. You can't cradle the ball on the left flipper AT ALL" Godzilla (Pro)
Star Wars (Pro)
added to
Creatwood Tavern
in Smyrna
Aug 25, 2022
Ghostbusters (Pro)
removed from
Creatwood Tavern
in Smyrna
Aug 23, 2022
"Overall this machine actually plays pretty good despite all of the problems I’m about to list. It’s great to have a ball back at this location after the fire they had.
75 cents per play, only takes quarters, don’t expect the bar to have change (cashless business).
Broken: prison shot (no prison multiball); left coin slot.
Not quite right: right flipper is droopy and occasionally gets stuck up; right flipper rubber is hanging on for dear life; lights are often on at unexpected times for extra ball shot, Woodbury, and right inlane shot multiplier; left inlane shot multiplier light doesn’t work; ball gets stuck behind the back wall on the CDC shot occasionally and can’t be shaken loose but does always come back after ball search; some coil fires at the beginning of each ball and scores points but doesn’t seem to be giving free points while the ball is in play." The Walking Dead (Pro)
"Connect was working last night but the left flipper is kicked down toward the center drain. Still playable and super fun but makes for some pretty interesting scenarios." Rush (Pro)