If you use this API for something cool, please let us know, we like looking at interesting uses of the data. If you have any suggestions/requests for endpoints, please email: admin@pinballmap.com. If you have any patches that you’d like to submit to the API, please check out: github.com/pinballmap/pbm. If you use this data, please include attribution.



Resource Description
GET /api/v1/region/:region/events.json Get all events for a single region


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/region/:region/location_machine_xrefs.json Get all machines at locations in a single region
GET /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs/:id.json Get info about a single lmx
POST /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs.json Find or create a machine at a location
PUT /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs/:id.json Update a machine's condition at a location
DESTROY /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs/:id.json Remove a machine from a location
GET /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs/top_n_machines.json Show the top N machines on location
GET /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs/most_recent_by_lat_lon.json Returns the most recently added machines near transmitted lat/lon
PUT /api/v1/location_machine_xrefs/:location_machine_xref_id/ic_toggle.json Toggle a machine's Insider Connected status


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/location_picture_xrefs/:id.json Get info about a single lpx
POST /api/v1/location_picture_xrefs.json Add a picture for a location
DESTROY /api/v1/location_picture_xrefs/:id.json Remove a picture from a location


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/location_types.json Fetch all location types


Resource Description
POST /api/v1/locations/suggest.json Suggest a new location to add to the map
GET /api/v1/locations.json Fetch locations for all regions
GET /api/v1/region/:region/locations.json Fetch locations for a single region
PUT /api/v1/locations/:id.json Update attributes on a location
GET /api/v1/locations/closest_by_lat_lon.json Returns the closest location to transmitted lat/lon
GET /api/v1/locations/within_bounding_box(.:format) Returns locations within transmitted bounding box
GET /api/v1/locations/closest_by_address.json Returns the closest location to transmitted address
GET /api/v1/locations/:id.json Display the details of this location
GET /api/v1/locations/:id/machine_details.json Display the details of the machines at this location
PUT /api/v1/locations/:id/confirm.json Confirm location information
GET /api/v1/locations/autocomplete_city.json Send back a list of cities in the DB that fit your search criteria
GET /api/v1/locations/autocomplete.json Send back fuzzy search results of search params
GET /api/v1/locations/top_cities.json Fetch top 10 cities by number of locations
GET /api/v1/locations/top_cities_by_machine.json Fetch top 10 cities by number of machines
GET /api/v1/locations/type_count.json Fetch a count of each location type
GET /api/v1/locations/countries.json Fetch countries by number of locations


Resource Description
PUT /api/v1/machine_conditions/:id.json Update attributes on a machine condition
DESTROY /api/v1/machine_conditions/:id.json Destroy a single machine condition


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/machine_groups.json Fetch all machine groups


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/region/:region/machine_score_xrefs.json Fetch all high scores for a region
POST /api/v1/machine_score_xrefs.json Enter a new high score for a machine
GET /api/v1/machine_score_xrefs/:id.json View all high scores for a location's machine


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/machines.json Fetch all machines


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/operators.json Fetch all operators for all regions
GET /api/v1/region/:region/operators.json Fetch all operators
GET /api/v1/operators/:id.json Fetch information for a single operator


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/region/:region/region_link_xrefs.json Fetch all region-centric web sites


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/regions/location_and_machine_counts.json Get location and machine counts
GET /api/v1/regions/does_region_exist.json Find if name corresponds to a known region
GET /api/v1/regions/closest_by_lat_lon.json Find closest region based on lat/lon
GET /api/v1/regions.json Fetch all regions
GET /api/v1/regions/:id.json Fetch information for a single region
POST /api/v1/regions/contact.json Contact regional administrator


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/statuses.json Fetch table statuses


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/region/:region/user_submissions.json Fetch user submissions for a single region
GET /api/v1/user_submissions/location.json Fetch user submissions for a location
GET /api/v1/user_submissions/delete_location.json Fetch list of deleted locations from the past year
GET /api/v1/user_submissions/total_user_submission_count.json Fetch total count of user submissions
GET /api/v1/user_submissions/top_users.json Fetch top 10 users by submission count
GET /api/v1/user_submissions/list_within_range.json Fetch user submissions within N miles of provided lat/lon


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/users/:id/list_fave_locations.json Fetch list of favorite locations
GET /api/v1/users/total_user_count.json Fetch total count of users
POST /api/v1/users/:id/add_fave_location.json Adds a location to your fave list
POST /api/v1/users/:id/remove_fave_location.json Removes a location from your fave list
GET /api/v1/users/auth_details.json Fetch auth info for a user
POST /api/v1/users/forgot_password.json Password retrieval
POST /api/v1/users/resend_confirmation.json Resend confirmation
POST /api/v1/users/signup.json Signup a new user
GET /api/v1/users/:id/profile_info.json Fetch profile info for a user


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/region/:region/zones.json Fetch zones for a single region