"Ball lock mechanism is very weird and there is a programming delay before that part of the game starts. It can sit in the lock and make you think the ball is stuck but it is just "thinking"." Transformers (Pro)
"At one time a little figuring that stood above the bumpers had fell over and the ball was getting lodged or deflected by it. The figurine was removed completely which was the main mechanical issue from my experience. Just plays like an older machine." Lord of the Rings
"Plays old and depending how the ball is launched it can get lost. Will echo the play at your own risk comment. Does have great value as it was only $0.50 for 1 play." Bram Stoker's Dracula
"Release code, ugh. Had to dust off the glass, Orb pop up does a constant annoying dance. Not great, needs help. $1 for 1, $2 gets you 3." Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Jun 30, 2019
"Stopped by 6/21/2019. Still feels very brand new and plays fantastic." Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Big Buck Hunter Pro
removed from
Old Dog Tavern
in Kalamazoo
Jun 30, 2019
"Right flipper really weak, leans heavy left. No thanks." Elvira and the Party Monsters
Jun 30, 2019
Line-up confirmed at
Bingo Beer Co
in Richmond
Jun 30, 2019
"It’s having trouble keeping track of the balls when draining. Ball search doesn’t help. It will end turn when this occurs." Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory