"Right lock isn't functioning, lets a second ball stack onto the first one and nothing happens for over a minute, even if you tilt. You have to wait for multiple cycles of the ball search before it eventually does one that opens the lock and both balls fall out. Then you can play again until a second ball is fed into that lock and you're back to waiting." Venom (Pro) (Stern, 2023)
Line-up confirmed at
Greta Bar YVR
in Vancouver
Aug 02, 2024
"Many parts of this machine do not work. The left rope bumper does not function and the plunger is weak, which prevents you from entering the ring on plunge. Avoid until repaired." Wrestlemania (Stern, 2015)
"Sadly this machine is not maintained at all. The multiball will lead to stuck balls and brick your entire game. Avoid until repaired properly." Wipe Out (Gottlieb, 1993)
"Flippers are weak and the volume is off. Godzilla multiball magnet does not function properly. Do not waste your money on this." Godzilla (Pro) (Stern, 2021)
"Mega broken - non-operational scoop so you can’t start modes, right flipper stays fully up unless you hit the left and then immediately swap to the right to bring it back down. Been broken for a year + at least" Kiss (LE) (Stern, 2015)
"Plunge is broken but the game is on, so you put in your dollar and have to manually slam the plunge to push the ball onto the playfield." Haunted House (Gottlieb, 1982)
"Legolas target not catching, constant multiballs during non-multiball parts of the game, and "coil error #21". That said I got my highest ever score on it! 😉" Lord of the Rings (Stern, 2003)
"Left ramp has a faulty rail. Shoot it too hard and the ball might fall off instead of coming down to the flipper." Attack From Mars (Remake) (Special Edition) (Chicago Gaming, 2017)